Restore, Soothe, and Refresh With CBD Peppermint Oil Blend

It seems like you can find cannabidiol (CBD) products almost anywhere lately, and with all the purported claims, it’s easy to understand why. But, not all CBD is created equally.

Many products on the market are made with highly processed CBD isolates, created by stripping away every natural botanical component of the hemp plant, leaving only refined CBD. Some products might be grown and processed overseas without the watch of regulatory agencies, while many others are not third-party tested for potency and purity. With so many questionable options, finding a quality CBD product can be a challenge.

Purity, Quality, and Consistency

Isagenix has leveraged years of botanical expertise and our no-compromise commitment to quality to create CBD Peppermint Oil Blend. Rigorous third-party testing checks for pesticides, solvents, heavy metals, and microbial contamination. It’s also tested for tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, to ensure that levels are below 0.3%.

CBD Peppermint Oil Blend is a full spectrum oil derived from hemp that’s grown exclusively in the United States by sustainable Colorado-based hemp farmers. Full spectrum hemp extract delivers the highest naturally occurring potency along with a diverse profile of botanical compounds. It’s blended with pure peppermint oil and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil from coconuts to create a restorative, refreshing experience.

Consciously Crafted With Three Botanical Ingredients

CBD Peppermint Oil Blend is crafted in small batches with three botanical ingredients that soothe and refresh the skin.

Full spectrum hemp (Cannabis sativa) oil: Full spectrum hemp extract provides the benefits of all the compounds of the hemp plant, including terpenes, polyphenols, and CBD in addition to other cannabinoids. The interaction of these naturally occurring botanical compounds helps create a more complete effect.

Peppermint oil: Peppermint oil contains a unique profile of phenols and fragrant terpenes. With its high concentration of menthol, peppermint elicits a soothing and cooling effect when applied topically.

MCT oil: Derived from coconuts, MCT oil provides a topical carrier to deliver CBD and peppermint oil effectively onto the skin for soothing hydration.

Self-Care and CBD Peppermint Oil Blend

The restorative and soothing properties of CBD Peppermint Oil Blend is an ideal addition to any self-care routine. Apply it anytime of day to enjoy its refreshing peppermint aroma.

To use CBD Peppermint Oil Blend, apply one full dropper to the desired area, and reapply as needed. CBD Peppermint Oil Blend provides 25 milligrams of CBD per dropper, with 750 milligrams of CBD per bottle.

The post Restore, Soothe, and Refresh With CBD Peppermint Oil Blend appeared first on Isagenix Health.
